Course Projects

Shell Implementation  - CS 252

A shell interpreter that combines behaviors from common shells including bash and csh. Created for Systems Programming class. Used Lex and Yacc to parse through the user's input. Incorporated features such as line editing, signal handling, wildcarding, subshell and more.

Lex • Yacc • C • C++ •

Malloc Implementation  - CS 252

A malloc library that implements a memory allocator, which allows users to malloc() and free() memory as needed. The allocator requests large chunks of memory from the OS, and manage all the memory efficiently.

C • C++ • Memory Management •

Boilermaker Airlines  - CS 251

A program that determines the most efficient flight route for departure and arrival among different airports and regions. Implemented using Dijkstra and Kruskal's Algorithm

Java • Algorithms •

Learning Quiz Management System  - CS 180

A GUI-based quiz management system that allows students to take quizzes and teachers to create quizzes. Built for both students and teachers for Purdue University to connect in real-time over multiple devices using Network I/O. It allows teachers to create teacher accounts, create courses, create quizzes, delete quizzes, edit quizzes, view submissions. It also Enables students to create accounts, take quizzes, view scores

Java • GUI • Java Swing •