Personal Website Github
A personal portfolio made to showcase and highlight my experiences and journey. HTML • CSS • Javascript •
A personal portfolio made to showcase and highlight my experiences and journey. HTML • CSS • Javascript •
A simple app that allows the client to encrypt and decrypt messages from multiple ciphers. This includes Caesar Cipher, Vernam cipher, and Vigenere cipher. Python • Cryptography • Ciphers •
A web application that provides financial information, business news, analysis, and stock market data. The main objective of the application is to allow people to monitor stock values as well as practice before they start using real money to buy and share stocks. Python • Flask • SQL • Database • HTML •
A GUI-based project management system that allows a company to manage their different projects and inventory. Includes features like password protection, adding new projects, adding new employees, modifying existing projects, and more. Python • SQL • Database • tkinter •
A programmable 4x4x4 LED Cube that displays different patterns and has applications in Maths and Physics. C++ • LEDs • Soldering •
A terminal-based pizza retail system that allows a company to place orders, modify the menu and keep a tab on their inventory Python • Database • SQLite3 •
A terminal-based sudoku solver that is capable of solving any given sudoku with varying difficulty. Python • Backtracking Algorithm •
A graphical user interface that allows the user to convert numbers between various systems with different radix such as Binary, Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal. Python • tkinter • Binary •
An app that classifies the stage of the demographic transition model for different countries. Python • mathplotlib • tkinter • numpy • pandas •
An object-avoiding car that is capable of avoiding obstacles in its path. Programmed in such a way that it scans objects in its surroundings and avoids them, thus whenever it detects a wall or an object, it is programmed to turn and continue to move in another direction. C • C++ • Arduino Uno •
An app that allows the user to play tic tac toe against the the computer where the computer auto-generates possible movies in order to win against the user. Python • tkinter •