
Student Researcher @ Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, Purdue University
March 2022 - Present

I joined Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) in March 2022. When I joined, I did not have a lot of domain knowledge for the tasks that I was assigned. However, I was able to learn a lot about the domain and the tools that were used from the user guides that were provided to me and from my mentor Dr. Amiya Maji's guidance. I am assisting Prof. Saurabh Bagchi and Dr. Amiya Maji on the CCRI Project. I am responsible for setting up XDMoD/Supremm/XALT data analysis pipeline. The overall objective of the project is to analyze cluster utilization data to make better decisions while serving our users. For this project, in the Fall 2022 semester, I was trained to use Unix and Linux-based systems, to write bash scripts and perform benchmarking through HPL and Stream.

Undergraduate Researcher @ Data Mine Learning Community, Purdue University
Aug 2022 - Dec 2022


"Indoor Asset Tracking", a project by "Webee", an IOT solutions company aims to use Bluetooth waves from antennas and receivers to pinpoint the location of devices inside facilites that can't easily be poinpointed using GPS.


I worked on the trilateration team. My team and I initially worked on gaining the necessary domain knowledge for the project that included leaning about pandas and csv packages in python, learning about IOTs and different communication protocols. After that, we worked on parsing and analyzing the beacon and gateway datasets to perform triangulation and trilateration of the asset devices. I worked on parsing the JSON formatted data to gain more insight into the data and also worked on the trilateration algorithm to find the location of the asset devices.

Technologies Used:

Python • Bash •

Concepts Learned:

Trilateration • Communication Protocols •

Student Researcher @ Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship , Prof. Aravind Machiry (PurS3 Labs)
May 2022 - Aug 2022


The research project titled "Gamification of Security Education in Programming Courses" aims to create an efficient way of finding common security issues in student submissions using Fuzzing and helping college students become aware of secure programming practices.


I was tasked with the testing phase of the project and making modifications to the readme files of the GitHub Repository. I successfully created new GitHub classrooms with student submissions and ran GitHub workflows to check if the framework was able to perform fuzzing on homework submissions to find crashes and provide them forward to other fuzzers. I also added new features to make the workflows more robust. Finally, I ran tests to show that fuzzing was able to find crashes in student submissions that did not have any crashes when tested using conventional methods.


I learned what the concept of fuzzing is, how different types of fuzzers exist for different purposes, and how to run AFL fuzzers. I gained knowledge on how to write bash scripts, work on Linux-Based systems, run GitHub workflows and manage GitHub classrooms, and change and create Yaml files. I learned how to efficiently read and understand research papers and how to also write and present research papers.

Technologies Used:

Python • C • Shell • Bash •

Concepts Learned:

Linux • Fuzzing • AFL Fuzzing • Technical communication •

At the end of my internship, I presented research paper titled “Seamless Integration of Security Education in Programming Courses” at the SURF Summer Symposium 2022. The research paper can be found here and the abstract can be found here.